Financing Healthy Homes Services

Building Systems to Sustain Home-Based Asthma Services

Course Content

  • Text and media areaLabel
  • Text and media area Welcome to Building Systems to Sustain Home-Base...
  • QuestionnaireIntake Assessment (revised 2021)
  • Text and media area If at any time you need extra assistance, there ...
  • ForumNews forum
  • Text and media areaELEARNING PACKAGE:
  • IMS content packageModule 0. Building Systems Sustain Home-Based Asthma Services: An Introduction
  • Text and media areaKEY READINGS AND RESOURCES:
  • URLUnlocking the Power of Home-Based Asthma Services: Model Health Benefit Packages
  • FileModule 0 URL Resources
  • Text and media areaELEARNING PACKAGE:
  • IMS content packageModule 1. Overview of Sustainable Financing
  • Text and media areaKEY READINGS AND RESOURCES:
  • URLMedicaid: A Primer – Key Information on the Nation’s Health Coverage Program for Low-Income People
  • URLPathways to Reimbursement: Understanding and Expanding Medicaid Services in Your State
  • URLAffordable Housing’s Place in Health Care: Opportunities Created by the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid Reform
  • URLHealthcare Financing of Healthy Homes Services Resource Library
  • URLSustainable Financing for Asthma Education and Home Environmental Trigger Remediation: Lessons Learned from the Field
  • URLAdvancing the Role of Community Health Workers: Engaging State Medicaid Offices to Develop State Plan Amendments Regarding the Preventative Services Rule Change
  • URLMedicaid Coverage of Guidelines-Based Asthma Care Across 50 States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico, 2021-22
  • FileHealth Services Initiatives: Using a CHIP State Plan Option to Address Asthma Among Children in Low-Income Households
  • File EXHALE: A Technical Package to Control Asthma
  • URLCMCS Informational Bulletin: Coverage of Services and Supports to Address Health-Related Social Needs in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program
  • URLCHCS Policy Cheat Sheet: Using In Lieu of Services to Address Health-Related Social Needs: Upshots from the Recent Federal Rule
  • FileModule 1 URL Resources
  • Text and media areaELEARNING PACKAGE:
  • IMS content packageModule 2. Making the Business Case
  • Text and media areaKEY READINGS AND RESOURCES:
  • URLEPA's Value Proposition Tool
  • URLCDC's Chronic Disease Calculator
  • URLInvesting in Best Practices for Asthma: A Business Case
  • URLHealth Investments That Pay Off: Strategies for Addressing Asthma in Children
  • URLWebMD Insurance Directory
  • URLBoston Asthma Home Visit Collaborative
  • URLAsthma Resource Center for Implementing CDC’s 6|18 Initiative
  • URLThe Medicaid Return on Investment Template
  • URLAsthma Mitigation Project: Final Evaluation Report
  • FileModule 2 URL Resources
  • Text and media areaELEARNING PACKAGE:
  • IMS content packageModule 3. Adapting Systems for Sustainability
  • Text and media areaKEY READINGS AND RESOURCES:
  • URLHelping Communities and States Spread and Scale Up Integrated, Place-Based Initiatives for Children
  • URLHealthcare Financing of Healthy Homes Services Resource Library
  • URLBallotpedia's State Legislative Scorecards
  • URLCommunity Asthma Initiative: Program Replication Manual
  • URLMedicaid Quality Reporting | Georgia Department of Community Health
  • URLEconomic Evidence for US Asthma Self-Management Education and Home-Based Interventions
  • FileModule 3 URL Resources
  • Text and media areaELEARNING PACKAGE:
  • IMS content packageModule 4. Client Referral and Eligibility
  • Text and media areaKEY READINGS AND RESOURCES:
  • URLCase Studies in Healthcare Financing of Healthy Homes Services
  • URLInvesting in Best Practices for Asthma: A Business Case
  • URLHealth Insurance Plan Strategies for Managing Asthma and Reducing Exposure to Environmental Triggers
  • FolderOutreach Flyers
  • FolderEnrollment Tools
  • FileModule 4 URL Resources
  • Text and media areaELEARNING PACKAGE:
  • IMS content packageModule 5. Developing the Scope of Services
  • Text and media areaKEY READINGS AND RESOURCES:
  • URLAsthma Community Network
  • URLAmerican Lung Association; Courses
  • URLCase Studies in Healthcare Financing of Healthy Homes Services
  • URLMA DPH Asthma Prevention and Control Program | CHW-led Asthma Home Visiting
  • URLAsthma Home-Based Services Toolkit
  • URLBoston Children’s Hospital Community Asthma Initiative Program Replication Manual
  • URLAsthma Home Visits: The Three-Visit Model
  • URLA How-to Guide on the Implementation of the CHAMPS Intervention
  • URLBetter Home Visits for Asthma Lessons Learned from the Seattle–King County Asthma Program
  • URLAsthma Home Environment Checklist
  • URLHome Characteristics and Asthma Triggers: Checklist for Home Visitors
  • URLSeattle-King County Home Environment Checklist
  • URLNEEF's Environmental Intervention Guidelines and Patient Handouts Packet
  • FileModule 5 URL Resources
  • Text and media areaELEARNING PACKAGE:
  • IMS content packageModule 6. Assembling a Qualified Workforce
  • Text and media areaKEY READINGS AND RESOURCES:
  • URLAsthma Community Network; CHW section
  • URLAsthma Community Network; Community Health Workers Podcast
  • URLAsthma Community Network; Podcast: The Role of CHWs in Asthma Control
  • URLAmerican Lung Association; Courses
  • URLNational Healthy Homes Training Center and Network
  • URLCase Studies in Healthcare Financing of Healthy Homes Services
  • FileCommunity Health Workers: Health System Integration, Financing Opportunities, and the Evolving Role of the Community Health Worker in a Post-Health Reform Landscape
  • URLCommunity Health Workers: Delivering Home-Based Asthma Services
  • URLCommunity Health Workers: Key Partners in Improving Children’s Health and Eliminating Inequities
  • URLCommunity Health Worker Impact Estimator Tool: Childhood Asthma
  • FolderMedical Billing Codes
  • URLStatewide Community Health Worker (CHW) Certification
  • URLAsthma Education for the Community Health Worker (CHW)
  • URLBuilding CHW Capacity: Meeting Recordings
  • URLHome Characteristics and Asthma Triggers Checklist and Training for Home Visitors: Making Homes Healthier
  • URLCommunity Health Worker Asthma Training: Remote Visits Guidance
  • FileModule 6 URL Resources
  • Text and media areaELEARNING PACKAGE:
  • IMS content packageModule 7. Selecting Supplies and Ancillary Services
  • Text and media areaKEY READINGS AND RESOURCES:
  • URLasthma & allergy friendly™ Certification Program
  • URLExample Supplies List | Boston Asthma Home Visiting Collaborative
  • FileExample Supplies List | Children's Mercy Kansas City
  • FileExample Supplies List | Multnomah County, Oregon
  • URLReducing Environmental Triggers of Asthma (RETA) in Homes of Minnesota Children
  • URLExample Supplies List | NEAIC
  • URLTenant Protections
  • URLFinancial Help for Home Repairs
  • URLAir Cleaners for Asthma Programs
  • FileModule 7 URL Resources
  • Text and media areaELEARNING PACKAGE:
  • IMS content packageModule 8. Connecting and Collaborating for Sustainability
  • Text and media areaKEY READINGS AND RESOURCES:
  • URLAsthma Community Network
  • URLHealthcare Financing Resource Library
  • FilePartnership Checklist
  • FileAsthma Coalitions List
  • FileExample Partnership Matrix
  • File EXHALE: A Technical Package to Control Asthma
  • FileModule 8 URL Resources
  • Text and media areaELEARNING PACKAGE:
  • IMS content packageModule 9. Program Evaluation and Reporting
  • Text and media areaKEY READINGS AND RESOURCES:
  • URLCDC Program Evaluation Framework
  • URLLogic Model Development Guide
  • URLAdditional Evaluation Resources from CDC
  • URLAdditional Logic Model Resources
  • URLMichigan’s Managing Asthma Through Case Management in Homes (MATCH) Program: Evaluation Outcomes and Sustainability Success
  • FolderExamples of Data Collection Tools to Assess Asthma Control
  • URLAsthma Mitigation Project: Final Evaluation Report (copy)
  • FileModule 9 URL Resources
  • Text and media areaELEARNING PACKAGE:
  • SCORM packageModule 10. Incorporating Virtual Visits into Home-Based Asthma Services
  • Text and media areaKEY READINGS AND RESOURCES:
  • URLStrategies for Continuing Healthy Homes Activities While Social Distancing
  • URLTelehealth & Implications for Asthma Care Coverage in Medicaid
  • URLGHHI's Virtual Healthy Homes Toolkit
  • FileExample Virtual Visit Consent and Release Form Central California Asthma Collaborative)
  • FileVirtual Visit Guide (Central California Asthma Collaborative)
  • FileTemplate Documenting Asthma Telehealth Encounter (University of Missouri, Columbia (MU))
  • URLCommunity Health Worker Asthma Training: Remote Visits Guidance
  • Text and media areaPRESENTATION PACKAGE:
  • FileVideo: Building Healthy Indoor Environments with Healthcare
  • URLYouTube Access: Building Healthy Indoor Environments with Healthcare
  • FileSlides: Building Healthy Indoor Environments with Healthcare
  • FileTranscript: Building Healthy Indoor Environments with Healthcare
  • Text and media areaKEY READINGS AND RESOURCES: (copy)
  • URLHealthcare Financing of Healthy Homes Services Resource Library
  • URLAsthmaCommunityNetwork: Financing In-Home Asthma Care
  • Text and media areaPRESENTATION PACKAGE: (copy)
  • URLRacism, Housing, and Asthma: A Conversation (Session Recording)
  • URLRacism, Housing, and Asthma: A Conversation (Session Slides)
  • Text and media areaKEY READINGS AND RESOURCES:
  • URLRacism, Housing, and Asthma: A Conversation (Resource List)
  • FileAssessing the Landscape: Understanding Home-Based Asthma Services in Your Community
  • FileLandscape Matrix | Financing Opportunities
  • FileExample Partnership Matrix
  • FileFormalizing Partner Relationships: Sample Agreements
  • FilePartnership Checklist
  • FileClient Identification and Eligibility: Sample Report Specifications to Identify Eligible Clients
  • FileFact Sheet Development, Part 1: Making the General Case for Home-Based Asthma Services
  • FileFact Sheet Development, Part 2: Making the Case for a Specific Home-Based Asthma Program or Service
  • FolderPromoting Sustainable Financing: Understanding the Costs of Your Home-Based Asthma Services
  • URLUnlocking the Power of Home-Based Asthma Services: Model Health Benefit Packages
  • Text and media areaPRESENTATION PACKAGE:
  • FileMini-Module. Partnering with the Energy Sector
  • FileSlides: Why Partner with Energy Stakeholders and Programs?
  • Text and media areaKEY READINGS AND RESOURCES:
  • URLOccupant Health Benefits of Residential Energy Efficiency
  • URLHome Rx: The Health Benefits of Home Performance – A Review of the Current Evidence
  • URLNational Association for State Community Services Programs (NASCSP)
  • FolderSelected examples of collaboration
  • URLWeatherization Barriers Toolkit
  • Text and media areaPRESENTATION PACKAGE:
  • FileMini-Module. Proactively Preparing for Funding Opportunities
  • FileSlides: Funding Success
  • Text and media areaKEY READINGS AND RESOURCES:
  • URLEPA graphic: Financing In-Home Asthma Care
  • Text and media areaPRESENTATION PACKAGE:
  • FileMini-Module. Social Media and Social Networks
  • FileSlides: Social Media and Social Networks
  • Text and media areaKEY READINGS AND RESOURCES:
  • FileGlossary
  • FileURL Resources | All Modules Separate
  • FileURL Resources | All Modules Combined
  • QuestionnaireFollow-up Assessment (revised 2021)
  • CertificateCourse Completion Certificate